The other day I rent a movie at the video store and I liked and I thought it was interesting so I made this movie entry.
The name of this film is This is 40, this film is about a family who has four members Pete (Paul Rudd) Debbie (Leslie Mann), that are the main characters, and their two daughters, Charlotte who has eight years old (Iris Apatow) and Sadie who has thirteen years old (Maude Apatow). The parents of this familiy are turning in the age of 40 and this is going terrible for both of them. To get some alone time, Pete hides in the bathroom with his tablet, or indulges by eating chocolate cupcakes, and Debbie is trying for their relationship goes better because with the econimics problems is getting worse and therefore also the relation with their daughters.

I think this film is interesting, because is a comedy but is based on a reality so in many times is very funny, its funny because is about things that the characters it's funny because it's about the things that makes each character in their day to day and you see everything that is happening to him, the problems that emerging and how is solve the problems and specially the relationship that have one character with other.
This are the main characters:

Charlotte (Iris Apatow) Sadie (Maude Apatow) Pete (Paul Rudd) Debbie (Leslie Mann)
This is the trailer: