Saturday, August 30, 2014

Ireland 2014

This summer in July I went to KIlkenny with Lucia. But we go with AKOE for tree weeks.

Kilkenny is a little town from Ireland, I had never been before there, although the town wasn't very big it has all the things that you need, two shopping centers, McDonals, Subway...

The spanish people that goes with AKOE were very nice and soon we made friends. We always go with 5 spanish but sometimes we go many more people together.

In the morning we go to class that is separate for levels, Lucia and I go separated because she goes to one level more than me. 

All Wednesday's we do a excursion around the town we have 3 monuments to vist: the castle, the tower and a medieval house.

And the fridays we do other excursion but more interesting because we go out the town we do tree excursions: to Dublin, to Waterford and to a zoo in Cork. The exit to Dublin was so amazing I love it, there are a lot of people dancing or singing and there are a lot of shops of second hand and is so beautiful because it has very diferent places and posters and shop signs are very original so is fantastic.

But in the afternoon we do that we want so all the afternoons we go to the the center my spanish friends and the italians friends. 

I enjoy a lot the tree weeks because the people are fantastic and i love them so much I never forget them. This is the best that i do in the summer and is a very good experience and I recomended to everyone!

There are my spanish friends

This was in the plane to return to Valencia

This are the spanish girls with the italians boys

This are all the spanish people

Tri metri sopra il cielo

This summer I had read Tre Metri Sopra Il cielo, by the italian writer Federico Moccia.

This book has two main characters, Babi and Step, Babi is a good person, and she still hasn’t found true love.  On the contrary Step is violent, rebel,
irresponsible and feared by everybody. But when they know this will change: She will become more rebel and he will become more tender, because they fall in love.

First I liked the book because it's about a love story, and I love the romantics novels. 
Also, the story take place in Rome, and I like the city. 
The characters are young people, and they are very similar to us; I like this too, because I feel identified.
On the other hand, I like the way to write of the author. He uses the dialogue a lot and it did the story more entertaining. Also he uses short pharases and it made you follow the context easier.

Tre metri sopra il cielo has a second part Ho voglia di te, also Federico Moccia has written many more books for example Scusa ma ti chiamo amore who also has
a continuation:Scusa ma ti voglio sposare, Cercasi Niki disperatamente, La passeggiata, Amore 14, L'uomo che non voleva amare, Quell'attimo di felicità and the second part Sei tu.