Saturday, August 30, 2014

Tri metri sopra il cielo

This summer I had read Tre Metri Sopra Il cielo, by the italian writer Federico Moccia.

This book has two main characters, Babi and Step, Babi is a good person, and she still hasn’t found true love.  On the contrary Step is violent, rebel,
irresponsible and feared by everybody. But when they know this will change: She will become more rebel and he will become more tender, because they fall in love.

First I liked the book because it's about a love story, and I love the romantics novels. 
Also, the story take place in Rome, and I like the city. 
The characters are young people, and they are very similar to us; I like this too, because I feel identified.
On the other hand, I like the way to write of the author. He uses the dialogue a lot and it did the story more entertaining. Also he uses short pharases and it made you follow the context easier.

Tre metri sopra il cielo has a second part Ho voglia di te, also Federico Moccia has written many more books for example Scusa ma ti chiamo amore who also has
a continuation:Scusa ma ti voglio sposare, Cercasi Niki disperatamente, La passeggiata, Amore 14, L'uomo che non voleva amare, Quell'attimo di felicità and the second part Sei tu.

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