Monday, April 13, 2015


Hi Johnny, I'm Mar and I live in Valencia, Spain, I would like to accomodate you and your partner all the time that you need, and then I would like to visit Ireland. Here in Valencia we have lots of things to visit and do it, like visit all the all town because we have very nice monuments like: 'Torres de Serrans', 'Torres de Quart', 'el Micalet', and many more, also as you know we have beach and very good weather so this a good option if you like the beach.
See you soon,



Hi Clara, I'm going to talk you about one new experience that i had had the last weekend.
The last saturday I decided to go a speed dating, the meeting was in a bar. When you arrived at the bar the personal who organized all gives you a paper to put on your t-shirt or jacket with your name, then you sit on a table and talk with a boy 5 minutes. In the first half hour I meet a lot of friendly and nice boy but not the boy that I want in my life but then comes one boy who called Dylan, I have to say you, he is not a very handsome boy but he is so sweet and nice and of course funny because in the five minutes that we were talking i can't stop laughing.
So we gave the phone numbers and we are going to meet the next weekend, I'm so excited!
The experience was so good because the place was comfortable and nice, and it was very organized.

Saturday, February 14, 2015

How to make a chocolate brownie with orange

In this video I explain all the steps that you have to do for do a fantastic and delicious chocolate brownie with orange, I hope that you like it a lot, and then enjoy the brownie!

Thursday, January 15, 2015

The three kings day

This video is about what I do the day of the three kings and what they bring to me.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Christmas card

The Christmas card is a project of the english class, we do a raffle for know what person you have to make the card.

This is my card to Lucia

This is the outside

This is inside

Happy New Year!!

This is a video of the day of new year.