Wednesday, December 10, 2014

My ideal house

If I could spend all the money that I want to make real my dream house, my house would be a penthouse.
My house would have to be in a busy area but pedestrian next to cafes, restaurants, places to have a good time.
On the top floor of my house I would have a loft that it would be a place to relax, read, lie down and above very comfortable, with a lot of pillows, carpets and pufs. It would be a very bright place like all the house, thanks to its large windows but also very cosy and all filled with shelves full of books and also would have a blackboard wall to put all the ideas that at the time they occurred me.

Also I would have a very spacious terrace like a chill out with armchairs with pillows and a little table, decorated with a lot of plants and also it would have a hammocks and a modern swing.

I would have my bedroom and other two bedrooms more, for the guests, with a nordic style mixed with modern style and industrial style. In all of these rooms I would have a bed, shelves, a fur rug, racks and a wardrobe except in my bedroom, because, of course I would have a dresser very very big and with all the clothes, shoes and accessories very sorted.

In the entrance, I would have the the dining room, it would be very cosy and comfortable with leather chaise longue and sofas, and a open fire it would be very cosy in winter. And also the kitchen, it would be very spacious and modern.

The house would have two very spacious bathrooms with large showers and one of them would have a jacuzzi.

But now I explain my ideal bedroom, my ideal bedroom will have a very large windows that create a bright space, it would have a bed with a very beautiful sheets and a lot of pillows, a nightstand that is like a ladder but very small and so cute. A table with drawers, and a little site to relax with a little table, pillows, an armchair and a puf, a nice site.
Also I would have a very big shelve to keep many things of all types.I would decorate to my taste, for example I will have a magnetic wall for put many photos  or memories like movie tickets or concert tickets. Also I decorate with pictures and some of them made by me.

Sunday, November 23, 2014

If my house was burning

If my house was burning I would take many special and important things for me.

The first I would take obviously my phone because with it I can talk with my friends ans I can’t live without it I would also take phone charger to charge the batttery of the phone. I would take my computer because without it I can’t see my favourite series like Pretty Little Liars and also because in the computer I have a loto f photos that have important or very nice moments: travel moments, birthday, parties, etc, and I would like to keep all of them.

Also I would take my t-shirt and sweatshirt from Ireland because they are very nice reminders of a trip that meant a lot to me because I met many nice people and the travel was amazing because we visit a loto f different places, but what I liked the most was Dublin.

Of course I would save all my Money to be able to buy some things that could had been burned.

And finally, if I had time I would take my photo album when I was little because it has a loto f memories of my chilhood that I like to save because I think that the chilhood is the best phase of our lives.   

Monday, November 17, 2014


This is a work of timeline verbs.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

The maze runner

This is a project called "Original Version Project" that we do every years, is a project that you must to go to the cinema with a group and make a presentation. This year my group was Lucia, Sara, Pablo and Yoli.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

This is 40

The other day I rent a movie at the video store and I liked and I thought it was interesting so I made this movie entry.

The name of this film is This is 40, this film is about a family who has four members Pete (Paul Rudd)  Debbie (Leslie Mann), that are the main characters, and their two daughters, Charlotte who has eight years old (Iris Apatow) and Sadie who has thirteen years old (Maude Apatow).  The parents of this familiy are turning in the age of 40 and this is going terrible for both of them. To get some alone time, Pete hides in the bathroom with his tablet, or indulges by eating chocolate cupcakes, and Debbie  is trying for their relationship goes better because with the econimics problems is getting worse and therefore also the relation with their daughters. 

I think this film is interesting, because is a comedy but is based on a reality so in many times is very funny, its funny because is about things that the characters it's funny because it's about the things that makes each character in their day to day and you see everything that is happening to him, the problems that emerging and how is solve the problems and specially the relationship that have one character with other.

This are the main characters:

Charlotte (Iris Apatow)     Sadie (Maude Apatow)        Pete (Paul Rudd)     Debbie (Leslie Mann)

This is the trailer:

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Ireland 2014

This summer in July I went to KIlkenny with Lucia. But we go with AKOE for tree weeks.

Kilkenny is a little town from Ireland, I had never been before there, although the town wasn't very big it has all the things that you need, two shopping centers, McDonals, Subway...

The spanish people that goes with AKOE were very nice and soon we made friends. We always go with 5 spanish but sometimes we go many more people together.

In the morning we go to class that is separate for levels, Lucia and I go separated because she goes to one level more than me. 

All Wednesday's we do a excursion around the town we have 3 monuments to vist: the castle, the tower and a medieval house.

And the fridays we do other excursion but more interesting because we go out the town we do tree excursions: to Dublin, to Waterford and to a zoo in Cork. The exit to Dublin was so amazing I love it, there are a lot of people dancing or singing and there are a lot of shops of second hand and is so beautiful because it has very diferent places and posters and shop signs are very original so is fantastic.

But in the afternoon we do that we want so all the afternoons we go to the the center my spanish friends and the italians friends. 

I enjoy a lot the tree weeks because the people are fantastic and i love them so much I never forget them. This is the best that i do in the summer and is a very good experience and I recomended to everyone!

There are my spanish friends

This was in the plane to return to Valencia

This are the spanish girls with the italians boys

This are all the spanish people

Tri metri sopra il cielo

This summer I had read Tre Metri Sopra Il cielo, by the italian writer Federico Moccia.

This book has two main characters, Babi and Step, Babi is a good person, and she still hasn’t found true love.  On the contrary Step is violent, rebel,
irresponsible and feared by everybody. But when they know this will change: She will become more rebel and he will become more tender, because they fall in love.

First I liked the book because it's about a love story, and I love the romantics novels. 
Also, the story take place in Rome, and I like the city. 
The characters are young people, and they are very similar to us; I like this too, because I feel identified.
On the other hand, I like the way to write of the author. He uses the dialogue a lot and it did the story more entertaining. Also he uses short pharases and it made you follow the context easier.

Tre metri sopra il cielo has a second part Ho voglia di te, also Federico Moccia has written many more books for example Scusa ma ti chiamo amore who also has
a continuation:Scusa ma ti voglio sposare, Cercasi Niki disperatamente, La passeggiata, Amore 14, L'uomo che non voleva amare, Quell'attimo di felicità and the second part Sei tu.

Thursday, June 12, 2014


Meaning: People tend to tell this tipe of news quickly

Origin: Is an expression dating from 1600s and is considered one of the most commonly used American idioms. It implies that word of trouble travels much faster than news about good fortune. An American might say “I heard about you losing your job Jeffrey: It seems that bad news travels fast”.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014


Hi! The Wednesday 30 of April I went to Yelmo's cinema with my friends Lucia, Yoli, Sara, Juana, Silvia and Marina to saw Divergent a film taht is based in a book write by Veronica Roth

The Wednesday 30 of April was the firts day the we can saw the film in the cinema.

Before i watch the film i read the book and my personal opinion is that the book is quite better than the movie but the movie is also well done.

The film and the book are about a girl that her name is Beatrice, the actress is Shailene Woodley is living in Abnegation because her parents are from this place and now she have to choose one faccion of the five: Abnegation, Candor, Amity, Erudite, Dauntless. Because she have 16 years old and when you have this age you do something like an exam that will tell you for what factions you have aptitude, but then you can choose other although the test don't say you that you have aptitude.

This are the five facctions: 

Abnegation: the selfles people
Candor: the honest people 
Erudite: the inteligent people
Dauntless: the brave people
Amity: the peaceful peole

And she choose Dauntless and when she is in Dauntless she knows a boy that his name is Four, the actor is Theo James and they fall in love.

I enjoy a lot this day and although I like more the book than the film I recomended a lot!

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Amnesty International reports “abuse” in sanctions against street protestors

Fines are already acting a deterrent against further demonstrations says human rights grou

The report concludes that “abusive use” of administrative and penal sanctions against protesters has already begun to put off citizens from taking to the streets.

“We have found clear evidence that the sanctions imposed on people for participating in acts of protest maybe deterring others from joining public demonstrations,” said the authors of “El derecho a protestar, amenazado” (or, The right to protest, under threat).

“Some people who have been especially active in these protests have been targeted on several occasions, to such an extent that they have run up debts or their own lawyers have recommended that they reduce their visibility in public activities,” reads the report.

The study also underscores “abusive use of force” by law enforcement officers, “degrading treatment” and attacks against journalists, as well as a lack of transparency in internal investigations. “Violations of human rights have been committed by members of law enforcement,” says the report.

Critics say that the legislation seems tailor-made for the Popular Party (PP) government to quell public displays of citizen discontent over its handling of the economic crisis and the corruption cases that have been surfacing regularly in the news.

Sunday, March 16, 2014


This is a project that is done in my school every year with the third course of the ESO, Is a exchange with France specifically with Normandie, we go one week and then they come to Spain other week. This project works to know other cultures, in this case the French because it is the country where we travel. We travel all students of this course together but everyone go to one house, sometimes there are people that goes at the same house, or have two french like me, and everyone have a French girl/boy.

We have a book trip or something like that, there are two parts, when your are preparing the travel, that you have to write what are you going to go, what do you put in the baggage... and the second part is when you are in France that you put photos of your french girl/boy, of the french people that made your friends, of the family, of the school, of the house...and you write about the french culture, the food, the timetable,thing about the school, the place...  
her home.
We take the plane in the airport of Manises, when we arrive at Paris we take the bus to go to Trouville Sur-Mer, when we arrive we stop at the school and and there were all our French, to each one his French picked it up and brought him/

The days go so fast because we enjoy a lot and the french people was very friendly and we get so good with they, We go to parties and to the bowling alley, we had a really good time with the french people and now we miss they a lot!

My french girls are Louise Lebey and Capucine Boinet, I stay 3 days in one house and other 3 in the other house, first I stay in Louise's house and I dont like the house because it was very small and old house and the floor creak, but the food was very good. And the other house was all opposite but the food was very good too because they used a lot of cheese and I love it!About my french girls I get better with Capucine because she talks to me about things not only the necesary and Louise only spak me to say me the necesary but I dont get bad with she because she welcomed me into their home and she attend me good.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

This is a video of my christmas.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014


One day of my christmas I made gingerbread cookies with my cousin Maria, I like a lot when we made cookies or candys like these because its funny and then we can eat. I enjoy a lot this moment beacause I like to spend time with my cousin Maria.

The process was this:


This is whe we are doing the dough.

This is when the cookies are cut but not baked

This is when the cookies are baked.

And this when the cookies are decorated.


4 cups flour

1 tablespoon baking powder
2 teaspoons ground ginger
2 teaspoons ground cinnamon
1/4 teaspoon ground cloves
1 cup butter at room temperature
1 cup brown sugar
1 large egg
1/2 cup honey or molasses


1.MIx the flour, ginger, baking powder, cinnamon and cloves.

2.Beat the butter, which is at room temperature, with the sugar until it dissolves completely.

3.Incorporate honey or molasses and egg, and finally incorporate the flour mixture with spices. Mix well the two doughs.

4.Place the dough into a sealable plastic bag or in an airtight plastic container. Book in a cool place, but not in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours and up to 6 hours.

5.Stretch the dough and cut cookies using molds.

6.Bake at 180 degrees for 15 minutes.

7.Decorate to taste.


This day is other very important day. This day consists when you get up you have to have presents of Santa Claus in Spain“Papá Noel”.

I don't have any presents because my parents only give in the tree wise man.

This day I went to my grandmother's house at 1 pm to preparate the lunch and have lunch, of corse!

I was with my mother, my cousins, my ucles and my grandmother, I enjoy a lot this day because I stay with my family all together and it was nice.

The lunch was very good and I like a lot, but especially the first plate that was meat with baked potatoes and the dessert I love it!

Firts in the table was the starters and the table was like this photo

When we finish the starters, we ate the first plate that was meat with baked potatoes, it was really good.

And to finally the dessert was a puff pastry cake with nutella and buterfat ice cream inside, I love it!

When we finish the lunch my grandmother gave money to all, she give me to me this.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014


In Spain we celebrate this day, because is when the kings came to Spain. In all Spain has a ride with carriages, the people who are in the carriages, launch sweets, balls, games… For all the children’s that are there.

This day in Spain is always celebrated on 6 January that is when presents are given, but my mother this year celebrated on 5 at nigth and I did different this year, as my mother had hidden the presents at home so, I had to look for gifts that were hidden and when and when I found them could open it.

I'm very happy because I have really enjoyed all the gifts

Monday, January 6, 2014


This day is very special in Spain and in the all world because the people changed the year, people before and people after, depends on the time zone. In Spain we celebrate this day about 00:00 o’clock eating 12 grapes. This day my friends of the school and I we decided to celebrate it celebrate all together.We went to Juana's house. We were 13 girls and we dinner in Juana's house, we buy a lot of pizzas for everyone and the party was in Juana's house, when we finish the dinner we take some photos. We ate the grapes and we made a toast to celebrate the arrival of the new year,we celebrated a lot!  After that we dance, sing and we did crazy things. Then we stay at the home talking about our stuff. After talking we went to sleep. I had a really good time with them. And I hope the next year be like this or better.